
Privacy policy


The following Privacy Policy applies to the website and the related domain names (hereafter referred to as “the Website”) and relates to the processing of personal data by The Factory cvba-vso. This Privacy Policy and the related processing of personal data is elaborated in accordance with the Act of 8 December 1992 on privacy protection with regard to the processing of personal data and its implementing decrees (hereafter referred to as the “Privacy Act”). This Privacy Policy explains who is the party responsible for the personal data registered and processed via the Website, which personal data are registered, under what conditions these data are processed and why this is done, to what extent personal data are exchanged with third parties, the measures that are taken to protect the personal data, and how the user can check the processing of her/his personal data and can exercise her/his rights deriving from the Privacy Act.




The party responsible for the processing of personal data is The Factory cvba-vso, with registered office in Diestersteenweg 152, 3970 Leopoldsburg, recorded in the Legal Entities Register under enterprise number 0434.153.588.

The Factory cvba-vso also makes use of processors. The processor is the natural person who or legal entity which processes personal data under the orders of the party responsible for the processing. The processor is responsible for the processing of personal data for the benefit of The Factory cvba-vso and for the proper technical functioning of the Website (data transmission). The persons who, under the direct authority of the party responsible for the processing, are authorised to process the data do not fall within this category.

Naturally, the party responsible for the processing is extremely careful in its selection of the processors. For example, the processor must offer adequate guarantees with regard to the technical and organisational security measures around the processing, and satisfy the obligations of article 16, §1 of the Privacy Act.

The party responsible for the processing bears or assumes absolutely no liability in the event of loss or corruption of data, identity theft, theft of data, viruses or Trojan horses, SQL injections or other attacks on the computer systems or online cloud portals. The processor decides autonomously about the most technically appropriate application for processing the data, and does so on the basis of his professional expertise. It cannot be expected of the party responsible for the processing that it dispose of the same expertise and speciality.




You can freely visit the Website and consult information about the organisation, programming and additional services without having to provide personal data in order to do so. In general, a visit to and the consultation of the Website does not automatically lead to registration and processing of the user´s personal data. The processing of personal data of the users who visit and consult the Website is limited to the so-called surfing data, i.e. the data which - in connection with the functioning of the information systems with which the Website is managed and in connection with the use of communication protocols on the internet - are automatically sent to the Website (such as e.g. an IP address). After anonymised processing, the surfing data are removed, but they can be used in order to determine who is responsible in the event that criminal offences are committed against or via the Website.

Furthermore, The Factory cvba-vso registers and processes the personal data that are voluntarily furnished by the user when she/he makes use of the functionalities on the Website and of the services that are offered via the Website, such as registration for the Website, registration for the newsletter or mailing list, the purchase of products or services via the Website, … The personal data registered and processed by The Factory cvba-vso are names and contact information such as home address, telephone number, e-mail address and other optional data. Each time the user provides personal data, The Factory cvba-vso will treat them in conformity with the described policy and the statutory obligations on the processing of personal data.

The personal data of the users of the Website are firstly processed by The Factory cvba-vso in order to optimise the functioning of the Website and, secondly, for administrative and contractual purposes, in particular for the provision of the services and the functionalities that are offered on the Website and are requested by the user. In connection with ticket sales, contests, newsletters and so on, The Factory cvba-vso processes the furnished personal data in order to contact the user as applicable. Naturally, these data are kept no longer than necessary. If a registration takes place in order to receive offered services, the personal data gathered are processed so as to also be able to contact the user again and offer her/ him an optimal service provision. These services include elements such as the newsletter and the community. Finally, it is also possible that these data will be used in order to inform the user about news, events and services of The Factory cvba-vso.




By furnishing her/his personal data via the Website, the user of the Website expressly gives her/his consent to The Factory cvba-vso to process them for the stated purposes. This consent also includes authorisation to send the personal data to and have them processed by the holders of the intellectual property rights on the Pukkelpop festival and on the Pukkelpop brand, as well as by the holders of the domain names of the Website.

Apart from the above-mentioned categories of recipients, The Factory cvba-vso communicates no personal data to third parties, unless at the express request of judicial authorities and in the cases in which this is expressly imposed by law. If The Factory cvba-vso nevertheless wishes to pass on specific personal data to third parties, specific advance consent to do so shall be expressly requested and the user´s attention shall be specifically drawn to this. The foregoing also applies to the processing of your personal data outside of the EU.




The personal data provided via the Website are stored and processed via an electronic system managed by The Factory cvba-vso in a closed, secured environment that is not publicly accessible. These data are only accessible for a designated number of persons in the service of The Factory cvba-vso who are authorised to see and process the data.




The Website can use so-called ´cookies´, small bits of data that are passed on to and stored on the user´s computer. Each time the Website is visited, these data are sent back to the Website in order to verify the identity of the user. This optimises the use of the Website and frees the user from having to give her/his data to the Website once again upon every visit. The cookies give The Factory cvba-vso absolutely no control over the user´s computer. The cookies are not used in order to obtain access to information on the user´s computer, nor to examine the user´s activities.

The user herself/himself has the possibility to configure the settings of her/his browser with regard to cookies. For example, the user can configure the browser so that each time a cookie is being prepared the user is also informed thereof. However, blocking cookies can mean that the Website is less useable and that the user cannot optimally use all of the offered functionalities and services.

For more information on cookies we refer you to our Cookie Policy.




In accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Act, the user has the right to inspect her/his personal data that The Factory cvba-vso processes and to improve and/or supplement any incorrect or incomplete data. The user also has the right to have her/his personal data removed from the database of The Factory cvba-vso, as well as to object on lawful grounds against the processing of her/his data. The user who wishes to exercise her/his rights must always clearly communicate this in a writing that mentions her/his reasons to The Factory cvba-vso via a dated and signed request in which she/he proves her/his identity.

If you have questions about the processing of your personal data by The Factory cvba-vso, or if you want to exercise your rights deriving from the Privacy Act, contact The Factory cvba-vso, Diestersteenweg 152, 3970 Leopoldsburg, Belgium.

With regard to the use of the personal data in order to inform the user about new facts, events and services of The Factory cvba-vso, you can, if you no longer wish to receive such information, of the Website. Every informational e-mail that The Factory cvba-vso sends to you will also contain a link so as to enable you to unsubscribe from newsletters, etc.